You could take the first step to a new career today!  Take our Industrial / Municipal Wastewater Training course and learn the information to pass an Introductory / Intermediate State Competency Exam in the wastewater field or renew your current license.  The Wastewater Industry is expanding and increasingly viewed as valuable resource to environmental and technological approaches and systems. This industry is vital for for the homeowner, local businesses and major industries.  The people in this trade understand that by reducing the pollutants in wastewater, it’s a matter of caring for environment and our own health.  When you study this field, you could learn a trade that helps today and our future generations.

Sign Ups still accepted

Industrial / Municipal Wastewater Training


Night: Tuesday, 5:30pm – 8:30pm

12 weeks –

Winter:  Classes begin Tuesday, Jan. 9 

This is a twelve-week course is structured to be a preparatory class to successfully pass an introductory to intermediate state competency exam in order to be licensed and work in the waste water field.  Instructor is Vinny Furtado.

Further, as 2023 is a license renewal year, please be aware that this course is also a state of Massachusetts class approved for obtaining Training Contact Hours where you may obtain as many hours as you need to satisfy state requirements.

The course will introduce the student the physical and chemical processes associated with water quality, pollution, and treatment of liquid wastes, as they pertain to Municipal and Industrial Operations. The student will be exposed to the function of related equipment and support systems and the environmental responsibilities required to safely and properly operate and maintain a Wastewater Treatment Facility. Topics covered include municipal wastewater treatment processes, industrial wastewater treatment processes, collection systems, regulations, laboratory and math.

Price: $400.00

Registration for Total Contact Hours must be register in office or by phone.

Registration Keyword: IWT